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Origin of Witchcraft

Who really know where witchcraft originated?

Like history written on books, stories about witchcraft were passed through generations. It is said that the term witchcraft was derived from the Anglo-Saxon term “wicca” and it means wise. Those who practice witchcraft was called witches but they were called as such only in the later years, way after witchcraft phenomena was first experienced. The first witches do not call themselves as witches or that they know what witchcraft means. All they know is that they live within the limitations set to them by nature and that they are using what Mother Nature provides with nothing but respect and gratitude.

Witchcraft during the beginning was done by the mother of the house. It is believed that they are the ones who have the ability for they are the creator of life but also because of the more practical reason, which is that men are the ones who go out to find food for their family. Women who are left at home are expected to make things in order and their family safe. They are the ones that their children go to when they are in pain. During this time, witchcraft is respected. It is not as a mean of putting others in harm but rather as a cure to ailments. The knowledge of witchcraft is a legacy. It is passed down from parents to child.

In the history of witchcraft there also were dark days. It is the time when all suspected of being a witch are persecuted without even proving them guilty. Hatred against witches went out of control. Even those that heal with the use of herbs were believed to possess dark magic. Lack of knowledge may have been the reason for this catastrophe since all that cannot be explained are pointed at the witches’ ability and relationship with Mother Nature. The legacy and passing through generations lay low for fear of being persecuted by non-believers.

Witches are servants of nature. They work for Mother Nature. Their feasts and rituals have only the purpose of gratitude. They hold feasts regularly to give thanks to Mother Nature for a good harvest. It is also their way to ask for guidance for the months ahead and to make their food supply sufficient. It is also their way to discuss secrets sent to them by the Universe, not to create evil spells but rather to use the knowledge gained for the betterment of the community. They use not the force of evil in their rituals but rather herbs and energy that can be found in the surroundings.

Understanding is what is lacking during the ancient times. Witchcraft may have evolved from being a means of healing to regaining balance in ways that others see unacceptable. The origin of witchcraft may have been that simple but its ability progressed to something more needed in the present times. Witches power comes from Mother Nature thus their ability limited to what she would allow and what she thinks is proper.

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